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March 2007 Archives

March 31, 2007

The Pansies are Here!

On this last day of March, I celebrate the end of winter, one that we thought would never start, and then, never end. In one six week period we had six days of below zero temperatures, a serious ice storm and three snow storms. Everyday was a challenge just to get to the studio. In Pittsburgh there is always at least one hill between you and your destination. We got behind in our work, we wore coats in the studio, and all the while our friends from Florida would call and ask, what's the temperature. Fortunately, our cold was their bonus as they seemed to to be reordering every few days.

But now it's over, mostly. There is the chatter of bird songs every morning, the buds on the Norway maple are chartreuse, and I came home Thursday to find that Dave had planted pansies in every available pot, all sizes and colors, smiling in the cool temperatures, unfolding in the sunlight. We welcome spring, the sun, and the warmth.


About March 2007

This page contains all entries posted to farleyfarley blog in March 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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April 2007 is the next archive.

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